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Publix Deals with the NEW Kraft Coupons: $1.50 Kool-Aid Jammers & $0.99 Velveeta Slices!

Here are a few deals that you can snag at Publix with the new Kraft coupons that I posted about HERE.

Velveeta Slices 12oz. are on sale this week BOGO, $2.99

Use 2 of the $0.50/1 coupons HERE

Final: $1.99 or $0.99 per pack!


Kool-Aid Jammers 10 count packs are priced 2 for $4 at my store (they may be on sale starting tomorrow for as low as $1.89)

Use the $0.50/1 coupon HERE

Final: $1.50

(All posts may contain affiliate links and/or sponsored content. Please see my disclosure policy)