Leanin the Coupon Lingo

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Learnin’ the Coupon Lingo!

If you have been couponing for any amount of time now, you know that we couponers have our own very own lingo! Yes, there is a method to all of this savings madness! 🙂

Over the next few weeks, I am going to start a new daily feature called Learnin’ the Coupon Lingo. If you are like me, I am very much a visual learner; therefore, I have to see things to understand what they mean, how they work, etc.. So, I thought that it would helpful to fill you in on some of the various couponing terms so that you too can know the lingo!

Today’s Learnin’ the Coupon Lingo Term is: YMMV

Now, how many of you have seen that term before and thought to yourself, “What in the world does that mean?” You will see this term on many of the different couponing sites out there and you do need to familiarize yourself with what this means.

YMMV simply means :: Your Mileage May Vary

Let me explain in detail…

You go to CVS to use a B1G1 Free coupon on a B1G1 Free sale. CVS Coupon policy should allow you to successfully do this so that you will get 2 items for FREE for every coupon that you use. {perfect example, last week, the Sobe Lifewater deal was B1G1 and there was a B1G1 coupon-this resulted in 2 FREE} However, while you successfully do this deal at one CVS, you may go to another CVS just minutes away and be told that you cannot use a B1G1 coupon on a B1G1 sale.

This situation is what we couponers call a Your Mileage May Vary situation. It just simply means, some stores may allow a certain deal or coupon while other stores will not. Don’t worry, as long as you are following store polices, and using your coupons the correct way, you did nothing wrong! This is just one of the things that will happen at one time or another on this couponing adventure! It still happens to me every once in awhile! This is why it is so important to carry the store coupon policies with you of the stores that you frequent the most!

I am working on a post with Store Coupon Policies to share with you all!

I hope that you will enjoy this new series and learn something new! Please let me know if I can ever help answer any of your couponing questions and have fun learnin’ the coupon lingo!