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I just wanted to give you all a heads up that there are some changes to Cow Appreciation Day beginning this year at Chick-fil-A. Be sure to pass along this information with all of your family and friends!
You can see all the details on the Chick-fil-A website, but here are some of the biggest changes….
1. Cow Appreciation Day is Tuesday, July 12, 2016 from opening until 7:00 PM.
We moved the event to a Tuesday in 2016 in an effort to provide a better dining experience for those participating in our Cow Appreciation Day event as well as those who are simply dini
ng with Chick-fil-A. Tuesdays are typically slower business da
ys than Fridays, one of the busiest days within the fast food industry.
2. This year we’ve simplified the reward. In order to make the award more consistent for all and provide the highest guest experience, anyone wearing anything cowlike will receive an entrée in 2016.
Guests in cow attire may select any breakfast, lunch or dinner entrée. Kids dressed like a cow may select a Kid’s Meal.
GO HERE for more details and to see which entrees to choose from. I personally love that you can choose a Salad. I LOVE the Chick-fil-A Salads!