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My FASTer Way to Fat Loss Update

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It has been a little while since I have given you an update on my FASTer Way to Fat Loss, so I thought that this would be a good time to do so! I think that the results in the picture above speak for themselves, don’t you? You can see my previous posts HERE and HERE.

If you have been following me from the beginning, you will remember that I started my first round back at the end of June. Since then I have lost 24 inches and over 12 pounds. I have never felt better in my life, while eating more food than I ever thought possible. I love working out and planning the next day’s meals. The FASTer Way to Fat Loss is a lifestyle change it is not a diet. If you are tired of yo-yo dieting, counting calories, and every other gimmick on the market, this program is for you! If I can do it, anyone can do it! I was so tired of looking in the mirror and not liking the picture. I was tired of being stuck in a rut. I was tired of not having confidence in how I looked. I am so glad that I took this journey and I don’t plan on looking back! I still have more goals to crush and I know that I will get there!

YOU are worth the investment. Your husband and children are worth the investment. Self Care is so important and when we realize that, it makes a huge difference! Give yourself the gift of a new you. You will gain such confidence that you never thought possible all while seeing crazy awesome results!

Since my initial round, I have been sticking to the program on my own and still seeing some amazing results! In fact, of the 24 inches that I have lost 10 have been after my round! I am still a work in progress, and can’t wait to see even more results! Remember, it is all about progress over perfection!

It’s not hard and you don’t have to be perfect. ⁠You won’t starve or restrict foods or spend hours in the gym. It is all in the program! I am satisfied and feel full and I don’t crave sugars or junk food. Do I still splurge? Yes, Do I still enjoy treats? Yes, it is all about learning to fuel your body with the right types of foods. One good thing to remember is Memories over Macros. Enjoy those parties and family get togethers with no guilt. 

My coach Stephanie is amazing and will be there to help you every step of the way! And, she has a new round starting this Monday September 23! It will probably be her last round before the holiday, so get in shape now and enjoy the holidays without feeling guilty.

GO HERE to check out the FASTer Way to Fat Loss and to sign up for the round that begins September 23. If you have any questions, please email me at: