Welcome ABC Action News Viewers!

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**If you missed the segment, feel free to watch it HERE.

A warm welcome to ABC Action News viewers! This weekend is a huge back to school shopping holiday for us here in Florida!

If you have not already started your back to school shopping for the kiddos, now is the time to do so! With the tax free weekend, many stores will be offering great sales and promotional offers, so this may be a great time to finish up your shopping while taking advantage of the sales. You can see my previous post HERE on the guidelines for Tax Free Shopping this weekend and the items that will be included.

While it may be more challenging these days to find good deals on school supplies, there are still ways that it can be done.

Here are a few tips to help as you plan your back to school shopping:

  • Start your shopping early and have a plan of action. Have the kid’s back to school list handy and know exactly what items that you are looking for. You don’t want to be shopping for items the week for school starts. Shopping early not only alleviates stress, but it allows you to score the best deals!
  • Shop at several stores to get the most bang for your buck. I often find that if you spend your entire budget at one store, you will end up spending more than you had originally planned. This does require some time and effort, but it is worth it! Purchase the newspaper on Sunday and see what stores have the best deals for the items on your kids’ school supply list and make a plan of action from there.
  • Be aware of limits on products. Many stores will limit the amount of products that you can purchase if there a special discount on that item. For example, you may only be able to purchase 5 notebooks for $0.10 each per person. Plan to take several people with you if you need more than the required limit.
  • Coupons are still alive and well! I have noticed several coupons both online and paper for school supply items. Don’t be afraid to utilize those to help you maximize your budget even more! For example, there was coupon in the newspaper this past Sunday for $1.50 off 2 BIC Stationery products. BIC Pens are priced around $1 at most stores so this coupon will get you 2 packs of pens for just $0.50! And, $0.25 per package of pens is definitely a stock up price and under my price point per package! (please keep in mind that most coupons now have a limit on them)
  • Have a product swap with friends. You may be surprised of the items that you have laying around the house that are brand new school supplies. Get your friends together and see what they have. You could save a few dollars and have a fun time doing it!
  • Thrift Stores– You can find some great hidden gems at your local thrift store! I have seen items with the tags still attached for a fraction of the price that you would pay at your local store.
  • School clothes closet sales. Check to see if your kid’s school has a closet sale of uniforms and other items that have been left behind. I just bought my boys’ uniform shirts and jackets (their school has a required logo shirt) that were in like-new condition for only $5 each!
  • Stack the savings! This is probably one of my biggest tips for ways that you can save on school supplies. When you stack store promotional offers and coupons with discounts and rewards you can save BIG! And, don’t forget at places like Target you will save an extra 5% off when you use your Target REDcard! If you don’t have a Target REDcard, consider shopping with a credit card that will earn you cash back or points.
  •  Know the price points of school supplies and what you should be paying for those items. I have put together a list below of my price points for school supplies. You may be able to find these items even cheaper than I have posted. If you do, stock up! You can click on the image below or print the list HERE and keep it with you for when you are shopping!

Please feel free to follow me on all of my social media outlets! I love to offer savings advice for the smart and savvy lifestyle, and hope that you will learn to save in every area of your family’s budget so that you can splurge on those fun luxuries from time-to-time!

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