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(Ends Tonight) Treater Facebook App: Send $6 in Ice Cream to Friends for only $1!


Don’t forget to send a friend $6 in Ice Cream for only $1! I am going to send mine to my hubby! 🙂

If you have a Smartphone and a Facebook account, you will want to take advantage of this yummy deal! Get $6 in Ice Cream from a yummy well-know Ice Cream shop for only $1 through Treater. 

“Treating” friends to gifts, meals or drinks is as easy as accessing your social networks online or on your smartphone. Each “Treat” is an electronic, one-time use payment card that is delivered via Facebook post, email or text to your smartphone.

Just hop on OVER HERE to start treating your family and friends! 

*HOT* FREE Grand Latte from Starbucks–No Purchase Necessary!


Wowsers! This is so awesome! Treat yourself or a friend to a FREE Grand Latte from Starbucks from–no purchase necessary up to $4.50 value! FYI-To take advantage of this freebie you will need access to a Smartphone.

Follow these steps:


Select a friend or treat yourself in the blue box that says “Pick a Friend”

Follow the directions to send the treat to. If you choose the email link or text message link they will get it faster. 

To redeem your treat, click on the link from the Facebook post, email link or text message. Just show your smartphone to your cashier and it is totally FREE up to $4.50 value! 

(thanks, Hip 2 Save!)