Welcome to the Second Time Around! Each Wednesday we will discuss ways to repurpose items in your stockpile for other uses other than their original purpose.
Today, let’s discuss ways to repurpose Aspirin.
If you are like me, I have a lot of aspirin in my stockpile. Here’s some way to use it other than just for a nasty headache:
Remove perspiration stains-Crush 2 aspirins and mix the powder with 1/2 cup warm water. Soak the stained part of the garment in the solution for 2-3 hours and the stain should be gone!
Restore Hair Color– Sometimes during the Summer months, swimming in the pool can cause your hair to turn colors. To restore your hair to its natural color, simply take 6-8 aspirin and dissolve the in a glass of water. Take the solution and rub it through your hair and leave on for 10-15 minutes. Voila! Your hair should return to its natural color!
Dry up Pimples– Crush asprin and mix with warm water to make a paste. Take the paste and place on the pimple. Let it sit for a couple of minutes before washing with soap and water. This should help to clear up the redness and soothe the sting.
Help Cut Flowers Last Longer– This is one that I use all the time. Each time I receive fresh cut flowers, I take a crushed aspirin and place it in the vase along with the flowers. It helps to pro long the life of the flowers.
Apply to insect bites or stings– You can control the inflammation from a bug bite or bee sting by wetting your skin and rubbing an aspirin over the spot.
Do you have other ways to repurpose aspirin? Please let us know in the comment section below!