Posts tagged with "Project Giving"

Will You Join Me in My Sweet Savings Project Giving??

I know that if you are like me, you have been blessed beyond measure! I feel like God has blessed me with a wonderful family, has put food on my table and clothes on my back, has given me a nice place to live, the list goes on and on! With that being said, I have really been burdened lately to help those less fortunate than I. With the holidays quickly approaching, what better time to do so? 

Now, don’t me wrong, I love to donate items to those in need during the year, but I want to step things up a notch and challenge myself during this holiday season! I would love for you to join me! 🙂

Here is the My Sweet Savings Project Giving Plan:

Each week that you go to the grocery store, Target or Walmart, purchase a few items to add to your holiday donation stockpile. Now, you don’t have to spend a ton of money out of pocket to do so. For example, this week at Publix, Ronzoni Quick Cook Pasta is BOGO @ $1.17 each. When you use the $0.55/1 manuf. coupon from the 10/3 SS, you can get 2 boxes for $0.07!! Or, how about the FREE cat food that you can score at Target right now? I “purchased” 14 of them for FREE today! Wouldn’t that make an awesome donation to the local animal shelter? The possibilities to giving are endless! And, you really don’t have to spend much out of your own pocket to do so! 

I am going to post this feature each week, not only to inform you of my progress and to let you see the items that I got during the week to add to the My Sweet Savings Project Giving Stockpile, but I also want you to join me! Then, the week before Thanksgiving, I will be donating the items! I plan to start the cycle over again and do the same for the Christmas holiday! 🙂

I am most excited about the giving part!! I plan on taking my little boy and loading up the stockpile in the car to donate to a local shelter. Then, we will pack all of the FREE pet food and head on down to our local Pet Shelter. I want my son to realize the importance of giving and that it is definitely more blessed to give than receive!

What about you? Will you join me in this Project Giving? Together we can make a difference in the life of someone else!