Posts tagged with "michael angelo’s"

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TWO New Michael Angelo’s $1/1 Coupon Offers

(All posts may contain affiliate links or sponsored content. Please see my disclosure policy)

My family and I love Michael Angelo’s Products so I was excited to see that there are TWO New coupon offers for these products! 

You can get a coupon for $1 off of any Michael Angelo’s meal if you sign up for the email newsletter HERE

You can get a coupon for $1 off of any Made with Organic meal if you sign up for our email newsletter on the Made With Organic Webpage HERE

Enter To WIN Michael Angelo’s Food Vouchers! (4 Winners) ENDS TONIGHT

Disclosure: I was provided with vouchers for this post. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own.  Please see my disclosure policy)

This Awesome giveaway ENDS TONIGHT!

As you can see from the photos above, my family LOVES the Michael Angelo’s Frozen Entree products! I was thrilled to hear that this awesome brand will be featured this Saturday 6/20 in an episode of Food Factory USA on the fyi network at 8:30 CT. Tune in to watch the Michael Angelo’s Big Kitchen in action!

Michael Angelo and his mom Sara (both featured in the upcoming episode) are extremely proud of their meals, using only real, clean ingredients you can recognize when you read the label. The Food Factory USA episode will go behind the scenes as they make their famous Chicken Parmesan

Thanks to the folks at Michael Angelo’s, 4 My Sweet Savings readers will each WIN 2 Michael Angelo Frozen food vouchers (one single-serve, one multi-serve/approx value $15) to try these products for themselves! 

To enter this giveaway, please follow the instructions on the Rafflectopter below. The first entry is mandatory while you may gain additional entries with the other options.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Michael Angelo’s Flatbreads Review & Giveaway (3 winners)

Don’t forget–this ends tonight!

I was recently given the opportunity to try out the new Michael Angelo’s Italian Flatbreads. These are new to the line of Michael Angelo’s products and I was super excited to try them! There are 3 varieties of Flatbreads available at Walmart Stores including Pepperoni & Salami Flatbread, Mediterranean Flatbread, and Sausage & Mushroom Flatbread. 

As this is a newer product to the Michael Angelo’s line, my store only had the Pepperoni & Salami Flatbread variety. That was no problem though as this product did NOT disappoint! My 7 year old son Drew kept raving about how good the flatbread was! 

One of the things that really impressed me with the Pepperoni and Salami Flatbread was how fresh all of the ingredients were. The mozarella cheese just melts in your mouth and the Pepperoni and Salami were so tasty. And, just like all the Michael Angelo’s products, the ingredients to these flatbreads are key! Every ingredient is selected with care and is free of common preservatives, artificial flavors, stabilizers and additives that are found in most frozen foods. 

There are 2 Flatbreads per box and they are actually quite large. I served them with a Veggie and it made for a nice dinner that we all enjoyed. I definitley will be purchasing these flatbreads again in the future and hopefully my store will have some of the other varieties available!

Thanks to the folks at Michael Angelo’s, 3 My Sweet Savings readers will have the opportunity to try out this yummy new product for themselves! If chosen, you will receive a FREE product coupon valid for one box of Michael Angelo’s Flatbreads.

In addition, feel free to join the Michael Angelo’s First to Flatbread Photo Contest. Take a picture of yourself enjoying this yummy product and share it on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter with the hashtag #FirstToFlatbread Each week, the most delicious looking shot will be displayed on the Michael Angelo’s Facebook page as their cover photo!

To enter this giveaway, please follow the instructions on the Rafflecopter below. The first option is mandatory while there are additional options to gain more entries.

Good Luck Everyone! 🙂

a Rafflecopter giveaway //

Disclaimer: I was provided with Free product coupons to faciliate my review. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own. This giveaway is not endorsed, affiliated or associated with Facebook or Twitter. 

(All posts may contain affiliate links. Please see my disclosure policy)

Michael Angelo’s Lasagna vs. Stouffer’s Lasagna Italiano

Did you know that Michael Angelo’s is a family owned and operated company that has been around for 30 years? The founders, Michael Angelo and his mother, Sara truly care about what others eat, and to them, authentic, Italian taste is everything!

The Michael Angelo’s Products are made from scratch with no preservatives or chemicals. The way that they are able to do this is to cook the items fresh, freeze it fast and send it straight to your grocer. In fact, Michael Angelo himself says, ” If you can’t find it in Mom’s Kitchen, you won’t find it in our food.” I love that philosophy!

Michael Angelo’s Pictured on the Right, Stouffer’s Italiano Lasagna to the left 

I was recently contacted by Michael Angelo’s Foods to see if my family and I would participate in a Lasagna Taste Test. I put the Michael Angelo’s Meat Lasagna up against the Stouffer’s Lasagna Italiano and the results were amazing!

I placed a piece of both lasagnas on a plate for my husband and son and did not tell them which lasagna that they were eating. Right away, both my husband and son pointed to the Michael Angelo’s Lasagna and said that it tasted the best! I also agree, the Michael Angelo’s Lasagna tastes homemade and super fresh!

A few things that we all noticed about the Michael Angelo’s Lasagana as compared to the Stouffer’s Italiano Lasagana:

The cheese in the Michael Angelo’s Lasagana tasted super fresh and not artificial. It literally melts in your mouth it is that good! Also, look at the picture above. The cheese on the Stouffer’s Italiano Lasagna all fell into one big glob, while the cheese on the Michael Angelo’s Lasagna was perfectly melted.

The meat in the Michael Angelo’s Lasagna is in big chunks and also very tasty. The meat in the Stouffer’s Italiano Lasagana tasted cheap and artificial to all of us, kind of like filler meat.

Lastly, the pasta in the Michael Angelo’s Lasagna is also super fresh and tastes like they just made it. It is also much thicker as you can see in the picture above. The pasta in the Stouffer’s Italiano Lasagna is much thinner and  more of a filler-type of pasta in my opinion.

Overall, I am pleased to say that we are now going to be purchasing Michael Angelo’s Lasagna more frequently in our house. Try it for yourself, you will not be disappointed! GO HERE to see the full line of Michael Angelo’s Gourmet Foods.

Disclosure: I was provided a Publix gift card to purchase the items for this taste taste. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own.