Posts tagged with "Coupons"

Publix Shoppers: Save $1/1 Sugardale Bacon

Did you request your coupon yet? This offer is still available!

Attention Publix shoppers! The wonderful folks at Sugardale Foods are providing My Sweet Savings readers with a special coupon opportunity for Sugardale Bacon. 

This product is sold at Publix stores in Alabama, Tennessee, Georgia, and South Carolina. 

To receive a $1/1 Sugardale Bacon coupon by mail, GO HERE to enter your information and you will be sent a coupon within 7-10 days. 

*this offer is limited to the first 500 responders so act fast if interested.

Reserve a Healthy Choice Coupon!

Healthy Choice is once again offering up a progressive coupon!  The Progressive Coupon SM increases in value as more people sign up to receive one—talk about a deal! 

 Here’s how this coupon works:

1. The coupon will begin at a value of $0.75 off one frozen entrée.

2. The coupon will increase based on the number of people who “like” the Healthy Choice Facebook page and reserve a coupon.

3. Coupon reservations close on February 1, 2012 or while supplies last.

Go like Healthy Choice on Facebook now so that you can take part of this awesome coupon!

$3/3 Nabisco Coupon = FREE Snacks!

I was just going through my coupons from yesterday’s inserts and noticed in the SS insert is a coupon for $3 off 3 Nabisco Snacks coupon. The best part? There are NO size restrictions! This means that you can score the smaller boxes of crackers or Nabisco Go Pack cups for FREE as many stores have them priced at $1 each! 

I am not sure if this is a regional value coupon or not, but I just wanted to give you a heads up so you don’t overlook it! (I get the Tampa Tribune and it was in there)

FREE Coupon & Sample Sites to Sign up For

Here are some of my personal favorite FREE coupon and sample sites to sign up for:

FREE COUPON ALERTS– Free Coupon Alerts is always updating with the latest coupons available online. They cover Printable Coupons, E-coupons and much more. Don’t Miss a Coupon again with Free Coupon Alerts.

FREE FLYS– They offer the hottest samples and freebies out there!

THAT FREEBIE SITE– New Freebies and coupons daily at that freebie site.

WOMANFREEBIES.COM– They offer the hottest freebies available just for women!