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Thoughts on My First Week of Nutrisystem & Turbo Takeoff #NSNation #ad

Disclosure: I have been selected to be a part of the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger Program for the next 3 months in return for my honest opinion and review. All opinions are 100% mine.

Well, tomorrow marks one week of Nutrisystem! I can hardly believe that it has been one week and that Turbo Takeoff is almost over! I am so excited to report that I have lost weight this week! More on that to come, but I first wanted to share with you why I chose Nutrisystem as the plan to help me get back on track and to get healthy and lose weight.  

Since I have had 3 surgeries (1 neck and 2 shoulder) in the past 4 years due to a car accicent, I have put myself on the back burner and the weight has slowly crept on. It is so easy to comfort yourself with food at times when you don’t feel well. On to the present….I am feeling so much better physically these days and am ready to make the needed changes in my life to lose some weight and get fit! Nutrisystem is the plan for me because I know that it works and the food tastes delicious!

Turbo Takeoff

The first week of Nutrisystem, also called the Turbo Takeoff week is kind of like a Bootcamp week to get your body prepared for what is to come in the program. I know that some people are nervous about this first week, but for me, I could not wait to get started! This past week was my Turbo Takeoff week and I am excited with my results thus far! On to those later, but for now let’s talk about Turbo Takeoff. Each day you start off with a yummy breakfast then a few hours later a mid morning Turbo Crush Chocolate shake. The Turbo Crush chocolate shakes are my fave! I love to put the mix in the blender with the water and ice to make a “frosty” like shake. These shakes are so delicious! And, they are packed with 22 vitamins and minerals for balanced nutrition, protein and fiber to help you feel full and satisfied, and probiotics to help your immune system! On to lunch a few hours later with a Nutrisystem entree and veggies, then in the afternoon you get a delicious NutriCrush peanut butter chocolate bar. These bars are so yummy and keep you feeling full until dinnertime. Dinner is another entree paired with veggies. Speaking of veggies, it is important to get in at least 4 servings of veggies each day along with 64 oz. of water. 

The Importance of Veggies and Water

As I mentioned, you need to make sure that each day on Nutrisystem you get at least 4 servings of veggies. For me, I love to make my veggies flavorful by roasting them or sauteeing them with non-calorie spray. A few of my favorites are Roasted Broccoli, Zucchini “noodles” and Spaghetti Squash. At lunchtime, I usually prefer a huge salad with 0 calorie salad dressing. My personal fave is Walden Farms. They make so many delicious 0 calorie dressings which are also great as a veggie dipping sauce! It is important to eat 4 servings of veggies each day on the Nutrisystem plan as they help to keep you feeling full. 

What about the water intake? I am not going to lie, this has probably been one of the hardest things for me. Drinking 64 oz. of water each day keeps me in the bathroom! 🙂 But, I notice a huge difference in how I feel and I know that it helps to flush things out of my system which are importance for weight-loss and the plan as a whole. I try to drink as much water plain as I can throughout the day, but I also love the Crystal Light 0 calorie packs to flavor my water. 

Plan Plan Plan 

The importance of planning ahead with your meals and snacks in the Nutrisystem program is key! While I did not eat out at all this week, (it is not recommended on Turbo Takeoff week) I did find that it was very important for me to plan ahead. Each morning I would get that day’s food together and put in a box on the counter so I knew exactly what I would be eating. I also find it is important to keep track of what time that you eat. Spreading your meals and snacks out every couple of hours is strategic for weight-loss as it keeps that metabolism moving!

On to Week Two

This first week of Nutrisystem has definitely set the stage for what is to come. I am so excited to start next week and to get on with the show! So, what happens now on the program? I will continue with Nutrisystem Entrees for each meal, 4 veggies and 64 oz. of water. BUT, the exciting thing…..this week I start adding in PowerFuels and Smart Carbs. What are these? This is a way to incorporate fresh grocery foods into your diet. These items marry together so well with the Nutrisystem food and are great for optimal balance of nutrients to keep you feeling satisfied as you lose weight. They also help you to learn—and practice—healthy eating habits! I will share more about the PowerFuels and SmartCarbs later on so stay tuned! 

My Results So Far

I am not someone who openly shares my weight, so for me to do this I know that I am really putting myself out there. But, I want to help others along this journey and I feel that being open is important and it helps me to overcome my fear. While it is fun to see the numbers on the scale drop, it is also important to remember that numbers on the scale are just numbers. The most important thing is getting healthy and feeling great! This week on Turbo Takeoff I lost…….4 pounds! Woohoo! I can’t tell you how excited that this makes me to get on to week two! My starting weight was 162 and I have a goal to lose at least 20 pounds! I am also excited as I will start walking 5 days a week again. Nutrisystem recommends that you excercise very lightly during Turbo Takeoff so I didn’t.

Stay tuned as I continue on my journey! Want to join me and lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? GO HERE to see more details of this remarkable program. You can also check out The Leaf by Nutrisystem where they share yummy recipes, success stories and more! 

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