This giveaway ends TONIGHT! 2 readers will EACH Win a $25 Shell Gas gift Card!
Saving money for my family is definitely something that I strive to do. Whether it be on groceries, clothing or personal items, I am always searching for ways to pinch pennies. Did you know that you can save on Gasoline as well?
rk is a FREE loyalty rewards program that helps you save money on fuel. You’ll earn Fuel Rewards® savings for doing things you already do every day, and you can redeem your rewards at the pump to watch your price drop. My family and I personally use this program and it really does help with our Gasoline budget! Right now when you sign up, you can get
a $0.25 off per gallon sign up bonus!
One of the ways that you can earn Fuel Rewards Savings is by Buying Groceries, Dining Out, Shopping Online + More! You can link your Credit or Debit cards to your Fuel Rewards account and start saving right away!
Here are some of the ways to earn Fuel Rewards Savings:
Shopping Online. Earn 5¢/gal or more for every $50 spent. Plus, some online merchants offer 2x, 5x, 10x rewards or more so you can multiply your savings even faster!
Dining Out. Earn 10¢/gal for every $50 spent dining out at participating restaurants.
Buying Groceries. FRN has joined up with several grocery store chains like Winn-Dixie, Bi-Lo, Hyvee and MORE so that you can earn rewards while shopping for groceries. Plus, when you link a MasterCard® credit, debit, and/or prepaid card to your FRN Account, you’ll earn an additional 3¢/gal for every $100 you spend on groceries at participating FRN program grocery stores!
Shopping at Shell. The Shell® Fuel Rewards® program lets you earn when you buy specially-marked convenience store products or services, like car washes and auto services at participating Shell stations.
Using your Mastercard. Link your MasterCard to your FRN Account, and increase your opportunities to earn Fuel Rewards savings. For example, right now, earn a 5¢/gal bonus just for linking your first MasterCard to your FRN Account. And that’s before you start shopping!
Ongoing Bonuses. The Grocery and Dining bonuses are two ongoing offers available right now. If you use your MasterCard* at an FRN participating grocery store, earn an ADDITIONAL 3¢/GAL FOR EVERY $100 YOU SPEND.
When you enroll in the Dining program and link a MasterCard to your Dining account, you can earn an additional ONE-TIME BONUS OF 5¢/GAL FOR THE FIRST $50 YOU SPEND dining at FRN participating dining establishments with that card.
Buying Gift Cards. Save 5¢/gal with every $50 you spend on gift & airtime cards at Shell when you use your FRN™ Card!
Refer-A-Friend. For any of your friends who use your referral link to join and use the program for the first time, you will earn 5¢/gal. Your friends simply need to either earn a reward or swipe their card at a participating Shell station. There’s no limit to how many times you can earn!
Right now when new users sign up for the Fuel Rewards Network, they will get an additional $0.25 off per gallon sign up bonus. To qualify, you must purchase at least 8 gallons of fuel on your first fill-up using your Fuel Rewards Network Card, while enjoying at least $0.03 cents off per gallon. The $0.25 off per gallon credit will be applied to your account for your next fill-up! Now, that is a sweet deal!
GO HERE to sign up and request your FREE Fuel Rewards Savings card so that you can start saving at the pump today!
Two (2) My Sweet Savings reader will each WIN a $25 Fuel Rewards Network Shell Gas Gift Card! Entering this giveaway is easy. The first entry on the Rafflecopter is mandatory while you may gain additional entries with the other options.
a Rafflecopter giveaway //
(All posts may contain affiliate links or sponsored content. Please see my disclosure policy)
Disclosure: I was provided with $50 in Fuel Rewards Network Gas Gift Cards for this post. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own.