Publix: FREE Kid’s BRITA Water Bottles!

I have yet another awesome Freebie for you to be on the lookout for at Publix! Tonight is pizza night at our house and I wanted to grab some fresh Pizza Dough from the Bakery since it is BOGO this week.

Several friends had tipped me off that Publix has the Kid’s BRITA Water Bottles on clearance for $4.49. The only ones on clearance are the Green ones. My store actually had them in stock I couldn’t believe it! These are found in the aisle with the other BRITA products. I believe it was in the coffee/tea aisle at my store.

There is a coupon for $5/1 BRITA Filtration system so that makes them FREE! Please note that the coupon does show a pitcher but it is for a BRITA Filtration system and the box with the kid’s bottles states right on the box that they are a Filtration system. Good luck and I hope that you find them as well! 

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