Publix: Upcoming SUPER Deal on Dole Fruit Squish Em’s

We have an upcoming deal on Dole Fruit Squish Em’s at Publix beginning tomorrow with the new Grocery Advantage Flier. My Brady loves these so I will definitley be doing this deal! 

Here’s the deal:

Dole Fruit Squish-ems 4pk, $2.99

Use the Free Dole Fruit Crisp 2 pk wyb 2 Dole Fruit Squish-ems 4pk Publix coupon in the Grocery Advantage Flier

Use the $0.50/1 Dole Fruit Parfaits or Fruit Crisps coupon from the 4/28 SS insert

Stacked with 2 $1/1 Dole Fruit Squish Em’s coupons HERE

Submit for the $1 Dole Fruit Squish Em’s iBotta offer

Final: $2.49 for 2 Dole Fruit Squish Em’s and a pack of Dole Fruit Crisps

-thanks, I Heart Publix!

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