Just a reminder about the $2/1 Tetra Fish Food coupon that I posted about earlier in the week. You can use this coupon to get FREE Tetra Fish Food at both Publix and Walmart…..
Grab your $2/1 Tetra Fish Food coupon HERE (zip 33760 or 35803 under pet care) then head to Publix & Walmart for these deals!
- Tetra BettaMin (Tropical Medley) .81oz $1.49 (reg $1.99)
- TetraColor (Tropical Flakes) $3.29
- TetraMin (Tropical Flakes) $2.99
- TetraPond (Pond Sticks) $4.79
- TetraFin (Goldfish Flakes) 1oz $1.99
Tetra Fish Food has been found for around $1.25 each
Use the $2/1 coupon HERE (zip 33760 or 35803 under Pet Care)
FREE+ Overage!
(thanks, I Heart Publix!)