I don’t know about you but it can be a challenge sometimes finding the right size clothes for your little one. There is a great site that I recently came across called thredUP. thredUP allows you to swap your kids clothing with others!
In 3 easy steps, you can have a box of clothing for your little one:
1. Pick a box full of clothes for your little one for just $13!
2. Post a box of gently worn clothing that your little one no longer wears.
3. Send. When another member picks your box, send it 100% FREE of charge!
Signing up for basic membership is super easy and FREE! It took me 60 seconds to sign up.
They do offer a PRO membership which is $29.99 per year. If you decide to go that route, use promo code: mysavings to get 2 months FREE!
GO HERE or click on the banner abover to join. I personally signed up for this one as it sounds very unique! It is hard to find clothing for my little guy sometimes so I am hoping to good success with this!
Have any of you tried thredUP before? If you are a member, can you let us know your experience?