New Coupons :: Dove, Glade + More!

Have you checked out the coupons over at recently? I just headed over there for the first time in a couple of days and found some great new coupons to print!

Save $1/1 bag of Dove Promises Silky Smooth Chocolate Bag {Dove Chocolate is soooo yummy!}

Save $1/1 Glade 4oz. jarred candle {these are often BOGO at Publix}

Save $1/1 Glade Scented Oil Product

Save $1/1 Woolite Oxy Deep Stain Remover

Save $1/1 Flinstones Multi-vitamin

Save $3/10 Weight Watchers Smart Ones

Save $5/1 Whirlpool or Maytag refrigerated water filter

Save $1/1 Woolite Power Shot