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Ebates: Get Paid to Shop + FREE $5 Credit for Signing Up!

I don’t know about you, but I can’t think of anything better than getting paid to shop! Did you know that you can paid to shop at some of your favorite online stores? If you have not yet heard about Ebates, now is the time to jump on the bandwagon, and just in time for Cyber Monday!

Ebates is a Cash Back site that pays you to shop. If you are going to be shopping online, you might as well get paid to do so! Ebates will give you a percentage of the sale that you make back. This can be anywhere between 1%-35%, and sometimes they even give you a dollar amount back! Pretty sweet deal, right? There are many stores that participate in the Ebates program including Target, Bath & Body Works, Walmart, Walgreens, and many more!

Here is how it works:

*GO HERE to log into your Ebates account or to create one. It takes less than a minute to do so and is totally FREE.

*After you are logged into your account, select which store you would like to shop at in the search box. 

*This will take you directly to that stores site so that you begin shopping, and it will also tell you how much cash back that you will be receiving from your purchase. For example, if I was going to place an online order at Target, the cash back amount right now is 3%. This will also tell you if there are any promotional codes available at this time for the Target site. 

*It may not seem like a lot at first, but you will be amazed at how quickly the money will add up! You will receive payment for your purchases in the form of a Big Fat Check, Paypal, or some people choose to donate their cash back amount. Here is a schedule of when you can expect to be paid:


  • Purchases made between January 1-March 31 will receive payment May 15
  • Purchases made between April 1-June 30 will receive payment July 15
  • Purchases made between July 1-September 30 will receive payment November 15
  • Purchases made between October 1-December 31 will receive payment February 15


I am shopping more and more online these days, and Ebates really does make a difference! It is so nice to receive a Big Fat Check in the mail when you least expect it! 

……And, right now when you join Ebates, you will get a $5 sign up bonus. This is going to come in handy with all the Cyber Monday deals that I willbe posting today and tomorrow! 

So, go and tell all of your friends and family about this wonderful site and start earning cash back for doing something that we all love to do……SHOP!