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Head over to Amazon to get a 15.25oz can of Planters Deluxe Mixed Nuts for only $6.96 Shipped when you choose the Subscribe and Save option.
Even better, if you’re subscribed to 5 or more products in the same month, your final price will be only $6.23! This same can is on rollback at Walmart for $7.98, but their regular price is $9.78!
An irresistible mix of cashews, almonds, hazelnuts, pecans and pistachios. Resealable canister makes it easy to keep the nuts fresh
NOTE: When you sign up for Subscribe and Save, you are under NO obligation at all and you can cancel at any time. To cancel or modify your Subscribe and Save items, just click on “my account” and then “subscriptions” and then you can cancel and/or modify anything you want.
*Amazon pricing and promotions can change at any time so act now if interested! These prices are current at the time of this posting.