Wear the love and give back this month with Tea! Save $25 and receive FREE shipping when you spend $150+ on Tea Collection. Their latest line is flavored with the spice of Morocco and is sure to make your heart go pitter pat! B
ut you’d better hurry because this offer only lasts THIS WEEK, Feb. 11 – 14. Just be sure to use the promo code: FALLINLOVE at checkout.
And, to help you to spread the love to others, Tea Collection’s Spring School Days Fundraiser will give 15% of sales to your favorite school or non-profit organization From Feb. 24 – March 2, 15% of all sales on Tea Collection made by you, your friends and family can be donated towards a school or non-profit organization of your choice. Just go to http://www.teacollection.com/about-tea/our-values#schools for more information on how to sign up your school or non-profit and start donating!
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lease see my disclosure policy)