Posts tagged with "dumpster diving"

Do You Dumpster Dive?

This is totally a random post, but after watching Extreme Couponing on TLC, I thought that it would be fun to see if any you out there Dumpster Dive for coupons?

Those who know me are probably laughing right now as they are reading this post because I am  known for my Dumpster Divin

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g! In fact, just this morning, you could find

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me digging in the trash can in our Condo Complex searching aimlessly for Dunkin Donuts coupons. Laughing out loud You see, in yesterday’s mail was a Dunkin Donuts coupon flier with a coupon for a FREE small hot or iced coffee-no purchase necessary!

Well, as you can see from the picture above that my dumpster diving today was a success…..I ended up with 22 Dunkin Donuts fliers-that means 22 FREE cups of coffee for me! Woohoo! Remember, I told you that I love my coffee! 

What are your thoughts on this? Do you dumpster dive for coupons? It is actually quite humorous to say the least……