Posts tagged with "coupon questions"

How to Use B1G1 Coupons on a B1G1 Sale + More!

I have received so many emails lately from readers wondering how to properly use a B1G1 Coupon on a B1G1 sale. It can be rather confusing at first if you don’t understand the madness to the method! Even I, sometimes get stumped at these particular deals!

Here are a couple of example scenarios for ya:

Scenario #1

Brownies are B1G1 and you have a B1G1 coupon

Take 2 boxes of Brownies to the cash registerOne box of Brownie mix will automatically come off with the store B1G1 sale

Your B1G1 coupon will take care of the other brownie mix, making both boxes FREE!

Scenario #2

Oreo Cookies are B1G1 Free and you have a B3G1 Free coupon

Take 4 packs of Oreos to the cash register

2 packages of cookies will come off automatically with the B1G1 store sale

Your B3G1 coupon will deduct another package of cookies

That leaves you paying for 1 package of Oreo Cookies!

Scenario #3

Coke 12 packs are on sale B2G2 for FREE and you have a B1G1 coupon

Take 4 packs of Coke to the register

2 packages will automatically come off with the B2G2 store sale

Your B1G1 coupon will deduct another 12 pack

That leaves you paying for 1 12 pack of Coke!

There are lots of other scenarios and coupon deals out there, but I hope that this will help to clarify some of your questions!

***Please let me know if you have any other coupon-related questions and I will do my best to help you figure them out!