Have you ever come across a sale or ca
n’t-miss deal and wish that you had more coupons to go along with the deal so that you could add items to your stockpile at a super awesome price?
If you are l
ike me, I typically buy at least 4 newpapers on Sunday. The $4 that I spend on those newspapers is worth hundreds of dollars of savings in the long run. There are times, however, that I come across a deal that I want to stock up on. Perhaps the coupon I am searching for was regional (only certain areas received that coupon) or the value of the coupon in my newspaper was not as high a value as some other areas received.
When this happens, I typically will order coupons from a coupon-clipping service.
Coupon clipping services are nice because they have already done the work for you. You just need to search for y
our coupons, buy them and they come already clipped. My favorite coupon-clipping service is Coupon Dede. She has the best selection and her prices are very reasonable.
For example, with the new sale that starts tomorrow at Publix, Smart Balance Milk half-gallons will be on sale 2 for $5. My boys have to drink a Lactose-Free Milk as they are all Lactose Intolerant (when it comes to drinking milk). Smart Balance Milk makes a great Lactose-Free product that we love. My area only received a coupon for $1/1 Smart Balance Milk while other areas received a coupon for $1.50/1 Smart Balance Milk. Those $1.50 coupons mean that I would get each half gallon of milk for only $1 each! Plus, this milk does not expire until June!
For $0.15 each I was able to order 10 coupons. The $1.50 that I spent on those 10 coupons will totally be worth it when I can get 10 half gallons of milk for only $10! So the next time that you don’t have enough coupons for a sale, think about ordering them from a coupon-clipping service. You can check out CouponDede’s site HERE.
*It is important to remember that when you “order” coupons from any coupon-clipping service that you are not paying for the coupons themselves but rather it is a handing fee.
(All posts may contain affiliate links. Please see my disclosure policy)