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I have heard rave reviews about ABCmouse.com! With school back in session in most places of the country what perfect time it would be to sign up for this amazing program!
ABCmouse.com is a global education initiative of Age of Learning, Inc. “Our goal is to help children build a strong foundation for future academic success by providing a comprehensive and engaging online curriculum to greatly assist early learners to succeed in pre-k, kindergarten, and early elementary school programs.”
ABCmouse.com is subscription-based, with no advertising, pop-up ads, or links to other sites. Children can learn and explore with their parents, or on their own (depending on age and ability), in a
safe and secure online educational environment.
“We named our site ABCmouse.com because here children can learn important educational basics (often referred to as “the ABC’s”) through the use of a computer mouse. At ABCmouse.com, the computer mouse comes to life as ABC Mouse, who serves as our site ambassador and guide to early learners everywhere.”
ABCmouse has a full online award winning curriculum for children ages 2-8 with over 8500 activities! The beauty of it is that your child can do it anywhere, there’s no commitment and you will see real results!
Right now, you can get a Free 30-day trial of A
BCmouse HERE!