My inbox was full of great restaurant deals this morning, so I thought that I would go ahead and post them all in one place for you to see!
Mimi’s Cafe
Tomorrow, July 14, is Muffin Day at Mimi’s Cafe! Head on over to the Mimi’s Cafe Facebook page to like them. Then, click on the Muffin Day tab where you can print off a coupon for a FREE 4 pack of Mimi’s Muffins with any breakfast entree purchase of $6.99 or more! Offer is valid all day July 14 only!
Denny’s Restaurant
Denny’s is celebrating their all new 16-item $2 $4 $6 $8 Value
Menu by giving away 1,500 Denny’s gift cards! Each card will
be valued at the dollar amount equal to the total number of home
runs hit during the 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th innings of ESPN’s
Wednesday Night Baseball games from July 21 to September 1.
GO HERE to sign up and to see all the details!
T.G.I. Friday’s
Purchase 2 Caribbean entrees and get a $10 T.G.I. Friday’s Gift Card! Choose between any pair of Caribbean entrees including Tropical Splash Salads or a fire-grilled chicken glazed with sweet rum sauce!
Promotion is available 7/12-9/6 at participating T.G.I. Friday’s restaurants
GO HERE to see all the details of this very sweet offer!