More Huggies Diapers & Wipes Coupons + Publix Deal! (just $2.49 a pack)

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If you missed out on those awesome Huggies diapers coupons that I posted about the other day, we have even more Huggies Diapers and Wipes coupons today! If you are a Publix shopper, this makes for an awesome deal on diapers – pay as low as $2.49 a pack!

$2.00 off (1) package of HUGGIES Diapers

$0.50 off (1) HUGGIES Wipes 32 ct. or larger

$2.00 off PULL-UPS Training Pants

Publix Huggies Diapers Deal:

Huggies Diapers or Pull-Ups, 18 to 156 ct, or Night Time Pull-Ups, 20 to 23 ct, Assorted Varieties, $5 Off wyb 2 (priced @ $8.99)

Buy 2 packs of Little Movers Diapers and use 2 $2/1 Huggies Publix coupons from the Get a Bundle of Savings, Do a Bundle of Good Booklet found in store (I had to ask for my booklets at Customer Service but they may be in a stand-alone display)

Stacked with 2 $2/1 Huggies Diapers coupons HERE

Final: $2.49 per pack!