*HOT* $4/1 Huggies Diapers & Pull-Ups Coupons!


If you have little ones stop what you are doing right now to print these coupons! Hurry on over to Pick Up the Values to print the following Smokin’ HOT coupons! Please note: You will need to share these coupons with at least 3 friends to receive the higher value coupons. My coupons printed with an expiration date of 6/24, so that will give us 2 weeks to use them.

*$4/1 Huggies Little Snugglers Diapers
*$4/1 Pull-Ups NightTime Training Pants
*$4/1 Pull-Ups Training Pants (jumbo pack or larger)
*$4/1 Huggies Little Movers Diapers
*$4/1 Huggies Overnites Diapers

These coupons will make for some really SWEET deals on diapers and Pull-ups!

-thanks, Hip 2 Save!