CVS: Huggies Diapers, Pullups, or Goodnights as low as $3.87 per Pack Starting 8/25!

If you need a diaper deal then be sure to check out this deal that we can score starting this Sunday, August 25 at CVS! There are lots of mainstream Huggies diapers coupons available to print for this deal so get them ready now and be prepared for this great sale! :D

$1.50/1 Huggies Snug and Dry Diapers

$2/1 Huggies Little Movers Slip-Ons

$2/1 Pull Ups  or the 8/18 SS insert

$2/1 Goodnights or the 8/18 SS insert

Huggies Diapers, Scott Products, Revlon and more will be part of an ECB deal when you spend $20 receive a $5 ECB or, spend $30 receive a $10 ECB. 

There are lots of ways to mix and match this deal, but here is a scenario for you:

Buy 3 packs of Huggies Diapers, Goodnights or Pull Ups for $8.99 each

Buy 3 packs of Huggies Diapers @ $8.99

Buy 1 pack of Scott Paper Towels @ $4.99

Use 3 of the $2/1 coupons from above (coupons will depend on which diapers you will be purchasing)

Use the $0.50/1 Scott Towels coupon in the 8/11 SS insert

Pay as low as $25.46 OOP and receive a $10 ECB

Final: 15.46 for 3 packs of diapers and a large pack of paper towels! That makes each item only $3.87!

-thanks, Hip 2 Save!

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