Here are today’s Top 5 FREE eBooks! There are once again some great children’s titles as w
ell as a couple of nice books for decorating and cooking. Remember, you do not need a Kindle to download these eBooks. There are several FREE Reading apps HERE.
If I Were a Worm . . . (A Keepsake Book)
Hello Pepi (#1 in the Hello Pepi: A Toy Dog is for Real Series)
23 Mini-Makeovers – Simple DIY Projects for Your Home (So Love That! DIY’s for Yo
ur Home) (one of the author’s of this book, Amber, is a friend of mine from college so this is super exciting!)
Healthy Breakfast Recipes – Sinfully Delicious (Healthy Pleasures)
Please remember that Amazon pricing is subject to change so make sure to check the pricing on these books before you add them to your cart.
-thanks, Jessica’s Coupons!
(All posts may contain affiliate links. Please see my disclosure policy)