If you have been following my March Into Couponing series, you should now be familiar with the different types of coupons, where to find coupons, and the lingo that we couponers use! Now that you are familiar with most of the basics regarding couponing, you need to know how to organize them, right? 😉
Good coupon organization is probably one of the most important keys to being a successful couponer. “How do I organize my coupons?” That is the
one question I get asked the most about couponing! If your coupons are not organized, then you will tend to get frustrated and lose focus on the one goal that is set before you, which is saving money!
There are many different coupon organizational methods available today. Let me share with you 2 of the most common methods in detail, then explain to you which method that I find work best for me and my lifestyle. Remember, just find the method that is easiest for you and go for it!
Coupon Binder Method– The coupon binder method is probably one of the most common methods of coupon organization today. You can start by getting a 3 ring binder at your favorite store along with several pages of baseball card inserts and clear sheet protectors. Label each section with dividers so that you will know where to place each type of coupon. For example, medicines, hair products, dairy, frozen, etc…
I like this method of coupon organization, but for me, it is very time-consuming. I don’t have the time to cut out every single coupon from the inserts each week and then sort the coupons according to their categories in the binder. For many of you, this is the method that you love and that is great! I started out couponing with this method and really do like it. It keeps everything nice and in order and you can find exactly what you are looking for. I may eventually go back to this method, but for now I love the Whole Insert Method and it saves me from clipping every single coupon!
Whole Insert Method– The whole insert method is the method of coupon organization that I prefer and have been using it now for quite some time now. It is much less time-consuming than the Binder Method and it makes planning my grocery list and searching for coupons a breeze!
Here is how to achieve this method of coupon organization:
Start by getting a hanging file folder box and hanging file folders from your favorite office supply store. Place each set of inserts that you have from your Sunday Newspaper in their own file folder.
Next, with a marker, label the front of the first insert with the date. I have my folders starting with the earliest inserts first and the newer ones are last. This just makes
it easy to find them. I also keep several folders available for internet, store coupons/coupon booklets. (Publix, Target, Walgreens, CVS) This way I know right where to find the store coupons when I want to stack my manufacturer’s coupons with them! This makes finding the coupons easy and it keeps me organized as well!
The biggest reason why I love this method the best is the fact that all of my inserts are in one place and right where they need to be when I need them. When I get the sneak peek for an ad at my favorite store, or when I need to know where to find a certain coupon, I go to the My Sweet Savings Coupon Database (at the top of my home page) and can search for coupons that I need and it will bring them right up and tell me which insert that they can be found in. You can find any coupon this way, whether it be printable, insert or etc…
Let me share with you an example. I see the sneak peek for the upcoming Publix ad and realize that my family’s favorite pasta sauce, Bertolli is on sale. I wonder if there is a coupon for that product? All I have to do is go to the My Sweet Savings Coupon Database and type in Bertolli. It will bring up every Bertolli coupon that is available. If there is an insert coupon, it will tell me which insert that the coupon is in. So, all I need to do next is go to my file box, search for the date, and voila, pull out the coupon insert and clip my coupons!
it makes couponing so much more enjoyable! If you are a busy working mom and don’t have time to clip coupons all the time, I would suggest trying this method! This has been such a life-saver to me!
As I said before, there are so many different methods of coupon organization that are available, just pick the one that is best for you and your lifestyle! I have seen some really crazy methods-everything from a rolling suitcase to a tool chest! You could even start with something as simple as a little photo album! The possibilities are endless! Just remember to have fun saving money!
Next week’s topic—Stacking Coupons & Coupon Usage