*HOT* 6 FREE Personalized Items-Just pay $10.82 Shipping!




I absolutely LOVE this deal from Vistaprint! Right now you can get 6 FREE Personalized items-just pay $10.82 shipping for everything! (price may be a little more or less depending on your location) These items make super nice Teachers’s Gifts, Grandparents Gifts or just a nice treat for yourself!



Product Choices Include:


  • Business Cards
  • Custom Mugs
  • T-Shirts
  • Photo Calendars
  • Premium Stamps
  • Tote Bags


Here is how to get in on this sweet deal–you must follow these steps in order to get 6 FREE Items:

First GO HERE and choose a product. Create it and add it to your cart.

Then, come back HERE to the FREE product landing page for your next FREE product. (you will need to keep coming back to this page to get your FREE items)

Repeat process until you have your 6 FREE items.

Head to Checkout. Do NOT add any extra items to your cart. Also, be sure not to add any extra offers like colored ink, etc….

Choose Standard Shipping (14 days) This is the slow option; however, in my experience with Vistaprint, the items always come much quicker.

When you checkout, your total should come to around $10.82 for everything shipped. Price may vary by your location but it should not be much more than that. 

Enjoy–These items always make wonderful gifts! 🙂

(All posts may contain affiliate links. Please see my disclosure policy)