Are You Seeing All of My Sweet Savings Posts on Facebook?


Well, Facebook has once again made changes and I have a feeling that many of you are not seeing the My Sweet Savings deals that I post throughout the day on Facebook. 

I have a solution that may help you all see my posts if you have been missing them. 

Follow these steps and hopefully you will see all of my posts:

*Go the My Sweet Savings Facebook Page. Under the “Liked” button click on the Settings Tab. 

*Click on Show ALL Updates. This will enable Facebook to show you all of My Sweet Savings posts.

*Hopefully this will enable you to see all of my updates as I post them! I sure hope that this helps!

Also, make sure that you are liking the posts and commenting on them as much as you can. This will “tell” Facebook that you want to see them in your newsfeed. 

Thanks for being such wonderful readers! :D