FREE Online Chore Chart! (teach kids about work & money)

Start the new year off right by teaching your children the value of hard work and money!

Get FREE Online Chore Charts for the kiddos!

My Job Chart is the free, easy to use, online chore chart and reward system for teaching, organizing and motivating your kids to Save, Share and Spend responsibly.

My Job Chart makes it easy for parents to assign chores and more motivating and meaningful for children to fulfill them.

My Job Chart facilitates fun, engaging, hands-on learning for kids on the ABCs of prosperity including saving, sharing and spending.

My Job Chart gives parents the satisfaction of seeing their kids gain the foundation skills of a strong work ethic and financial responsibility.

Motivating Your Kids Is Easy: Just 1-2-3: 

1) Sign-up for MyJobChart!

2) Assign Chores to Your Kids

3) Reward Your Kids For Great Work!

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