FREE eBook- Frugal Gourmet Ideas: Secrets to Saving Thousands in the Kitchen

Since I just posted a Frugal recipe, this goes right along with it! Get a FREE eBook download of  Frugal Gourmet Ideas: Secrets to Saving Thousands in the Kitchen

The secret according to author Charmaine is simple “It is a combination of smart planning, shopping and cooking. It isn’t rocket science, but if you follow my guide, I will show you hundreds of tips that will save you thousands of dollars in the kitchen every year and also leave your family healthier as a result. The choice is yours, you can harness all of my tips and save even more money or select which tips are right for you and still enjoy significant savings.”

Just a sample of the many techniques covered in the book are:

Her system of selecting meat and produce that ensures you get both healthier food and enjoy significant savings as a result.

Tips for stocking and storing produce to maximise your savings and ensures that your food maintains as much quality as possible over time. 

Tips to turn boring leftovers into exciting lunches that your kids will look forward to eating. Included are a number of recipes and ideas to work with.

A comprehensive guide for how long you can store each type of food so you can plan out months in advance.

Bonus 30+ recipes for delicious, healthy meals that won’t bite your purse (or your wallet).