Walgreens: *HOT* $1 Moneymaker Deal on Glade Expressions Fragrance Mist with new $3/1 Coupon!

So, if you would rather shop at Walgreens using your $3/1 Glade Fragrance Expressions Fragrance Mist coupons, this is the time to do it! You see, it appears that there is a monthly deal when you purchase a Glade Fragrance Expressions Fragrance Mist kit, you will receive a $1 RR!

Here’s how the deal looks:

Purchase a Glade Fragrance Expressions Fragrance Mist Starter Kit @ $2.99

Use the $3/1 coupon HERE or HERE

Pay: $0 OOP and receive a $1 RR

Final: FREE + $1 Moneymaker!

(thanks, Wild for Wags!)