Target Deals: Snuggle Dryer Sheets, Lloyd’s BBQ Tubs & Tom’s of Maine Deodorant

Here are a few Target deals that you may want to add onto your list…..

Lloyd’s BBQ Tubs 18 oz, are on price cut for $3.49 each

Use $1.00 off LLOYD’S Tubs or BBQ coupon

Final: $2.49 per tub


Lloyd’s 8oz, Twin Pack Single Serve Tubs are $2.79 

Use $1.00 off LLOYD’S Tubs or BBQ coupon

Final: $1.79


Snuggle Dryer Sheets are $3.49

Use the $1/1 Target coupon HERE 

Stacked with the $1/1 manuf. coupon HERE (shows liquid but states 96 oz or 70 count)

Final: $1.49 each


Tom’s of Maine Deodorant, $3.79 

Use the $2.50/1 coupon from the 6/17 SS insert

Final: $1.29 each

(thanks, Free Snatcher & Totally Target!)