There are lots of new Target store coupons today! Remember, you can stack a manuf coupon with a Target store coupon to really maximize those savings to the fullest!
Here are some of my favorite new Target store coupons, but be sure to check them all out….
$7/1 LeapFrog Tag Reading System
$5/1 LEGO Duplo Toy Purchase of $19.99 or higher
$5/1 Fisher-Price Infant Toy Purchase of $20 or higher
$5/1 Fisher-Price Thomas & Friends Toy $20 or higher
$5/1 Barbie Toy Purchase of $25 or higher
$5/1 Hot Wheels Toy Purchase of $19.99 or higher
$0.75/1 Kraft Easy Mac Cups 4pk
$0.75/1 Kraft String Cheese 9-24 oz
$0.50/1 Nabisco Single-Serve Snacks 12 pk
$1/2 Oscar Mayer Lunchables With Fruit
(thanks, Totally Target!)