Wow! If you are a fan of Burt’s Bees products, here is an awesome deal! Get Burt’s Bees Holiday Grab bags for only $25. Plus, use promo code SPRING12 to score an additional $5 off your order. Shipping is FREE on orders over $40. These grab bags contain 13 products and is a $50 value!
Here is an idea to get your mind working on this deal:
GO HERE and add 2 Burt’s Bees Grab Bag to your cart.
Use promo code SPRING12 to score and additional $5 off your order.
You will get FREE Shipping since your order is over $40.
Pay $45 or $22.50 each for 26 Burt’s Bees products. If you don’t want to gift the whole bag, take out the individual products for gifts or stocking stuffers!
(thanks, Good Deal Mama!)