Over 70 New Target Store Coupons!

YAY! There are over 70 new Target store coupons available today! Remember, that you can stack these store coupons with your manuf. coupons for some really sweet deals! I am especially loving th  high value apparel coupons as these will make for FREE or inexpensive clothing items in the clearance section!

Here are some of my favorite new coupons…………

$3/1 Liz Lange Apparel Item 

$5/1 Merona women’s bottom (excludes swim wear) 

$5/1 Mossimo apparel item 

B3G1 FREE Market Pantry® soup 10.5-oz. or larger 

$1/3 Green Giant Fresh Vegetable Items

$2.50/5 Glade Décor Scents air freshening items

$2.50/5 Glade Fall Collection air care items 

$0.75/1 Pepperidge Farm Farmhouse, Goldfish Sandwich Bread, Deli Flats 

$1.75/1 Skinny Cow Dreamy Clusters or Heavenly Crisp Candy 

$1/1 Purina Whisker Lickin’s Cat Treats

+ more!

(thanks, Totally Target!)