YAY! There are over 70 new Target store coupons available today! Remember, that you can stack these store coupons with your manuf. coupons for some really sweet deals! I am especially loving th high value apparel coupons as these will make for FREE or inexpensive clothing items in the clearance section!
Here are some of my favorite new coupons…………
$5/1 Merona women’s bottom (excludes swim wear)
B3G1 FREE Market Pantry® soup 10.5-oz. or larger
$1/3 Green Giant Fresh Vegetable Items
$2.50/5 Glade Décor Scents air freshening items
$2.50/5 Glade Fall Collection air care items
$0.75/1 Pepperidge Farm Farmhouse, Goldfish Sandwich Bread, Deli Flats
$1.75/1 Skinny Cow Dreamy Clusters or Heavenly Crisp Candy
$1/1 Purina Whisker Lickin’s Cat Treats
+ more!
(thanks, Totally Target!)