My Sweet Savings Announcements……..

Hey Guys! I just wanted to let you know that I will not be posting over the next few days. I am having my tonsils out in the morning and per Doctor’s orders will need lots of rest. I am praying for a speedy recovery, and I am hoping to be back very soon!

At any rate, I want to make sure that you all are finding the best deals out there! I have several blogging buddies that I want to recommend you check out in my absence. Please be sure to check out: Jessica’s Coupons, Addicted to Saving, and Rose Knows Coupons. These ladies do such a wonderful job at posting deals and I highly recommend them! Be sure to tell them that My Sweet Savings sent you!

If you send me an email or message on Facebook, please know that I will get back with you. It may just take a few days! 🙂

So, I hope to be back up and at em’ real soon…..In the meantime, I hope that you have a wonderful rest of the week!

**Don’t forget to check out my Yoplait Kids Yogurt Prize Pack Giveaway HERE.