Do you Buy Items Just Because They are a Good Deal?

This is a question that I, as an avid couponer, struggle with quite frequently. Do I need this item because it will be free? Do I need this item if it will only be a a few cents or a couple of dollars?

Let me break this down for you into a couple of areas……First of all, if I see an item that I can get for totally FREE, yes, I will “buy” it. I mean, come on, you can’t just bypass a FREE item, right? Winking smile This is one way that you can gradually add items to your stockpile. Now, you don’t need to have 100 boxes of pasta sitting in your stockpile if you are not going to use it. This is where donating items comes into play. If I can “buy” a large amount of pasta or other items when there is a sale at my local store, I will keep some and then donate the rest. There are so many different charities and churches that would be glad to have your extra products! I find that this is also a great way to get your children involved in giving. I am trying to teach my son that is much better to give than receive, and this is a fun way to show him this principal. 

Secondly, do you buy an item just because you can get it for a good deal? For example, do you buy that blouse on the clearance rack for $5 if you are not sure that you will wear it? Okay, okay, once again this is something that I struggle with. Smile I have gotten to the point though that if I don’t like an item when I see it at the store, (clearanced or not) I am not going to like it when I get it home so  I don’t even bother with it. This same rule can apply to buying items at Target or Wal-Mart. If you don’t like it at the store, you probably will not like it when you get it home.

Lastly, ask yourself, “Do I really need this item?” Chances are that your answer will be no. Once again, if this an item that I personally do not need more of, but can get for FREE or pennies on the dollar for donation purposes, then I will get it. Otherwise, I will just let it stay on the shelf for the next customer.

Case in point, you know all the Glade candle deals that Target and Wal-Mart have had recently with holiday promotions, etc… I was there the other day and they had select scents on clearance for $2.48 each. I had a coupon with me for $3 off 3 Glade products. That would have been a great deal for 3 candles, right? I already have a closet full of FREE Glade candles and did not want to buy more just because it was a good deal. Plus, you can end up spending money on items that you really don’t need. Sometimes people end up spending money to save money…..but, in the end, are you really gaining anything other than more items you really don’t need and money that you could be using towards something else?

I am curious what your thoughts are on this subject matter? Please feel free to comment and thanks for listening to me ramble! Open-mouth smile