*HOT* FREE 50 Count French Vanilla Coffeemate Creamers from Staples!

I posted this earlier on the MSS Facebook page and did not expect it to last for long…..well, apparently it is still working, so I am going to post it here as well. I did the deal myself and am super excited about it! I hope that our orders don’t get cancelled! My order came to $0.00.

GO HERE and add Coffee-Mate Non-Dairy Liquid Coffee Creamers French Vanilla, 50 count box to your cart. Your total should be $6.99.

Click on the Add coupons link and enter coupon code 69486.This will take your total down to $0.00. 

Start the Checkout process.

Choose the Deliver to Store method…..my order stated that I can pick up in store on Tuesday.

Enter all of your information. FYI- You will have to enter your Credit Card information. You will be able to print off a copy of your order and it will show as $0.00. That way, if you get hassled in the store, you can show them your proof! 🙂

I am so excited about this one! FREE Coffee-Mate Creamer for all my new Coffee that I am making in my New Keurig!

(thanks to Coupon Pro & An Army Wives Couponing Adventure for sharing!)