The Giveaway Winners Are……

Here are the winners for the tag*a*longs and the set of Inspirational books. All winners were chosen via

I am so sorry to not have these up sooner, but I have been under the weather this weekend. 

The set of Inspirational Books winner is Sherry-“They all sound great! I probably need The Princess Warrior the most, but A Mom’s Ultimate Book of Lists is the most intriguing to me!”

The 3 tag*a*long winners are:

Barbara– “This would be great for my child who likes to push the shopping cart – I could have him hold the tag*a*long and not worry about him playing roller derby down the grocery aisles!”

Jennifer- “I would love a tag a long b/c i have 3 kids and while pushing the baby i usually always am looking for one of my other children. how nice that they could have something to hold that would keep them close by. love it!! great idea”

Tasha-“This would come in handy for my three yr old daughter who still hates to sit in the stroller and grocery cart.”

 I will be contacting the winners via email. Thanks to everyone for participating! I have some more fun giveaways planned very soon! 😉