Today’s Daily Sweet Fix is all about donating your stockpile!
If you are an avid couponer like me, I am sure that you have accumulated quite a large stockpile by now. I was going through my Health and Beauty Aid stockpile the other day and counted at least 40 bottles of body wash {mens and womens}! The deoderant and razor stash are not far behind! I know that sounds like an excessive amount of product to have on hand, but all of that has been FREE or I have paid pennies on the dollar for it! I have enough body wash and deoderant to keep us clean for year to come!
Now, I have to admit that I will often “buy” things even if I know that I won’t use that item. If an item is FREE. I am not going to miss out on being a blessing to someone else who I know will use that particular product. For example, We do not have pets, but there have been many times that I am able to get pet food and treats for FREE. I will “buy” the item then take it to church to hand out or give it to friends with pets. Another example, I do not have a baby any more, but this week at Publix the Sprout Baby food will be B1G1 Free. There is a B1G1 Free coupon in the Summer Savings booklet, that will make for FREE baby food with the sale and coupon!
With all of that being said, I want to challenge each of you to take a moment to donate some of your stockpile to a family or friend in need. Don’t worry, I have already made several donations this week to some families that I know of who are hurting. And, last week we had a men’s quartet at our church for special music. I took each of them one of the nice Schick razors and a bottle of Gillette Body wash. You would have thought that I gave them a million dollars! It was very much appreciated, and made me feel good as well!
Why not donate some of your stockpile to a homeless sheleter or your local Red Cross? I know that places like this would gladly welcome health and beaty aid products and baby items. There are also many places that are still accepting donations for Haiti or other countries that have been affected by devastation.
I have been so blessed with the ability to coupon and find good deals, that the least I can do is to give back to someone in need. What about you? Will you help someone in need today? I promise that you will be blessed far and above what you could have ever imagined and you will have a smile on your face the entire day!