Don’t forget that this is today! I have my bag of grocries ready to give!
If you are an avid couponer like me, you are probably blessed with a large stockpile! I feel that couponing not only saves my family and I alot of money, but it also allows me to give to those in need.
I am so excited to take part in the Stamp Out Hunger event this Saturday, May 8. According to the USDA, over 49 milliion Americans are at risk of going hungry. I don’t know about you, but my family and I have never gone hungry, and I can’t even begin to imagine what that must be like.
Since 1983, families have donated almost 1 billion pounds of food to Stamp Out Hunger! I am excited to help this year and to make this one of the most successful food drives ever!
Here is how we can help ::
Simply place bags of non-perishable foods such as canned meats, fishes, soups, rices, pastas, cereals, vegetables, and juices next to your mailbox on Saturday, May 8. Your mail carrier will pick up these items and deliver them to local food banks.
I am thrilled to give some of what I have stockpiled to those in need! This will also be a wonderful learing experience for my 4 year old to learn that it is more blessed to give than receive!
What about you? Will you help out those in need ?
GO HERE for more information on Stamp Out Hunger.