I love sharing my couponing tips and money-saving ideas with you guys; however, I want to hear your sweet stories of success as well! I am going to start a new feature here on the blog called Stories of Sweet Success.
I know how much you love to see and hear about my trips to Publix and Target and wherever else I find bargains with coupons! Now, I want to hear from you and see your pictures! I will even post some of your stories and pictures here on the blog for others to see!
Your sweet success story can be about any store or anywhere that you have saved a lot of money for you and your family. Even if it is a store that I am not familiar with, I want to hear about it! So, get busy saving money and send me those stories of sweet success!
Email them to me at: mysweetsavings@gmail.com Don’t forget to send pictures along if you have them!