My $40 Grocery Challenge–A New Twist on Things!

I have not gotten around to posting my $40 Grocery Challenge this week as I am out of town until Saturday babysitting for a friend in Orlando! 🙂 I did, however, want to let you know that I am actually adding a little twist on the weekly challenge!

As you know, I usually take out $40 in cash each week to spend on groceries, toiletries, paper products, etc… Well, now that my hubby was laid off from work, I want to be an even better steward with my money!

Here is the twist to my Challenge—If I do not spend $40 one week, I will take the remainder of the money and it will go towards the next week’s $40! So, if I only spend $20 one week, the next week, I will only take out $20! I know that may seem impossible to some of you, but with much creativity and thought, I know that it can be done! I am excited about this challenge!

Stay tuned next week to see how I do!