*HOT* $3 ZarBee’s Cough Syrup Coupon = Upcoming Moneymaker at Walgreens!

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You will want to HURRY as fast as your little fingers will allow you over to Coupons.com to print off this new $3 ZarBee’s Cough Syrup coupon! This cough syrup will be on sale at Walgreens starting 10/31 for $5.99 each with $6 back in RR! 

Use this coupon to pay just $2.99 OOP and get back a $6 RR! That is a $3 Moneymaker! Woohoo!

GO HERE to print your coupon. You may need to use zip code 60606. 

UPDATE: You can also print 2 more coupons from HERE

(thanks, Wild for Wags!)