TARGET: Couponing 101 & New Coupon Policy Information!

I have heard that some people are still having problems with Target accepting their coupons stacked with a manufacturer coupon, so I am going to go ahead and post their coupon policy for you. It is now available online right on the Target website. I would highly suggest printing this off and keeping it with you for when you shop at Target!

Target’s coupon policy does state that you can stack one manufacturer coupon with a Target coupon, so if your cashier tries to tell you otherwise, show them the policy!

Also, it is Target’s policy to adjust a coupon down if the coupon is for more than the product. I always let the cashier know right up front if I have an item for which the coupon is more. I don’t want any problems, and it helps them out as well. I have gotten overage at Target on several occassions, but it just depends on your cashier and if they will allow it. Generally, I just tell the cashier up front if the coupon is more than the item to avoid problems–and long lines behind me! 🙂

Lastly, I just wanted to make sure that you know Target just changed their online coupon system. They now use E-incentives, which only allows 2 prints per computer. Also, you will need to look closely at the coupons that Target is now putting on their website as some (not all) of them are actually MANUFACTURER coupons but with a TARGET logo on them. In this case, you would not be able to stack a Target coupon with a manufacturer coupon as the Target coupon is a manufacturer coupon. One of the only good things I see from this would be that if the Target coupon is a manufacturer coupon–you could actually use it at other stores! This might make for a sweet deal at another store other than Target! Now, if the Target manufacturer coupon were to state, “Redeemable ONLY at Target” you could only use it at Target. From what I can tell so far though, you can use these Target manufacturer coupons at other stores as there is no restrictions on them!

GO HERE to see the latest printable Target coupons!

I hope this is not too confusing, I just want to make sure that you understand Target’s coupon policy! If you have any questions at all please let me know and I will be happy to help you!

Have fun shoping and getting sweet deals at Target! 🙂