Not only do I love to help you save your hard-earned money, but I want to share with you some time-saving tips that have been helpful to me both as a mommy and a wife.
I know that the tips I will share with you are nothing new or out of the ordinary, but they are things that have helped to make my life easier!
My Time-Saving tip for Today: Utilize the best appliance that you have in your kitchen- THE CROCKPOT!
Now, my friends are probably tired of me talking about the crockpot; but, I absolutely LOVE it and, boy, does it save me time! You can just throw a roast, chicken or stew in the morning and at night, when you are tired, or you had an unexpected event earlier in the day, you won’t have to stop and think about what you are going to make for dinner! It is basically ALL done for you! 😉
For example, this morning I knew that I had to go out and run errands and would be super busy, so I put in a pork loin with onions, barbecue sauce, and honey in the crockpot on low. Tonight, we will have pulled pork sandwiches along with some roasted zuchini and squash that I will throw into the oven. Voila-it is that simple! Dinner is done! 😉
There are so many great crockpot recipes out there! I would love to hear some of your favorites!
I hope that the next time you look at your crockpot you will think of it is a time-saver and not just another appliance that is taking up space on your counter!
Do you have a time-saving tip that you would like for me to share? Please email me and let me know!